Reaching Peace and Love thru Understanding Ourselves and Others

  "Understanding leads to Compassion.... Compassion leads to Acceptance.... Acceptance leads to Forgiveness.... Forgiveness leads to Peace.... Peace leads to Love."  ~ Patty Gates This is what my work is about. I give people the understanding... that makes sense, because I put words to what they already feel....which leads them to compassion and acceptance (of themselves and others)....which helps them let go of the judgement and blame, which is forgiveness (of themselves and others)....which leads to peace.....that opens the door... to love. Read more [...]

As we move thru life…with love

As we move thru life......holding joy in one hand and sorrow in the other.....resisting neither......accepting both, we can be open to giving and receiving best we best we can desire! Wishing you ease and love, Patty                  Read more [...]