Masculine/Feminine Stress

Masculine energy: likes to achieve rather than experience

Feminine energy: likes to experience rather than achieve.

Masculine energy is more about action: doing, thinking, decision making, logistics, analyzing, figuring out, planning, solving, leading.

Feminine energy is more about feeling: expressing, intuiting, just being, receiving, following.

Note: We all have these energies; we use them at different times in our lives. Depending on the amounts of estrogen and testosterone in our bodies, we will be most comfortable in either the masculine mode or the feminine mode most often.

Women who have been trained to succeed in business (masculine) will have to use masculine energy to do so. Unless she has more testosterone than estrogen in her hormonal makeup, she will have a lot of stress & depression (burn out), unless she can find ways to bring balance often (daily/weekly) by being in a feminine mode.

Men who have been trained to care for others (feminine) will have to use feminine energy to do so. Unless he has more estrogen than testosterone in his hormonal makeup, he will have a lot of stress & depression (burn out), unless he can find ways to generate his testosterone (daily/weekly).

Note: John Gray states the number 1 way for women to release stress is by getting a deeply relaxing massage. Ps. I also teach couples how to work on each other! 😉



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